thoughts by ch3ngl0rd ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ

The Best Startups are Empathetic

TLDR: Success in startups hinges on empathy and truly understanding user needs, while setting aside ego.

It's an open secret in the startup world that success is as much about understanding people as it is about understanding technology. However, this simple truth is often lost in the cacophony of funding rounds, market size and state-of-the-art technology.

Why is it, that in our quest for disruptive innovation, we regularly forget the very people that we're trying to innovate for? The answer is surprisingly straightforward: a bit too much ego and a shortage of empathy.

thoughts by ch3ngl0rd ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ

Make something people want

This realisation hit me hard as I transitioned from the structured world of software development to the realm of startups. In my days as a software developer, comfort is found in the clear logic of code. Solving problems often boils down to simply finding and fixing bugs. Contrast that with my university years, where conversations with actual software users were few and far between - a mere three times, to be exact. And my first customer interview highlighted a glaring gap: my technical skills were solid, but understanding users problems were not.

This summer, I joined Startmate's Student Fellowship, where a talk by Alex Naoumidis on MVPs particularly resonated with me. He emphasised the build, measure, learn feedback loop - building something simple, getting user feedback, talking to users, and iterating. During his talk, he warned about the danger of building an MVP in a vacuum, naively expecting users to just love it. I couldn't help but laugh; he was basically describing me. I had become far too comfortable with researching problems in isolation, not realising that weeks of research without user interaction couldn't compare to the insights gained from direct conversations with users.

This realisation perfectly aligns with Paul Graham's mantra, Make something people want. To create something that users genuinely love, you must first be empathetic, listen to their problems and truly understand their needs and motivations. This means focusing on solving problems for real users and addressing their actual needs instead of basing solutions on theoretical, imaginary scenarios.

Worries and Concerns

Before my first customer interview, I was terrified of the idea of pivoting away from what I considered my golden idea - having spent considerable time researching and mulling over what I thought was the best solution. However, after engaging with customers I quickly realised the madness of this mindset. The interviews not only challenged my assumptions but also highlighted how disconnected my idea was from their actual needs. This realisation bruised my ego, but it also highlighted a crucial point: by talking to customers, I saved myself from investing more time in developing a subpar solution that no one would have used.

It was during a conversation with a customer, where a simple suggestion turned my perspective upside down, that I began to understand the power of empathy in shaping successful startups. For the future, I have to remember that I am building something for real people, not my own ego.

My parting advice? Go talk to your users. Understand their lives, and walk a mile in their shoes. And you might just find that the path to success is paved with empathy.

The best startups are empathetic.